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A humorous and insightful blog about greeting cards (including rude birthday cards and other silly ones).
Rusty Pencil
Aug 16, 20226 min read
Do we lose our sense of humour as we age?
Let's begin with a joke: A penguin walks into a pub. He says to the barman, 'Have you seen my brother?' The barman says, 'I don't know....
Rusty Pencil
Feb 15, 20224 min read
What do mothers want for Mother's Day? Not to be mother, for a start.
The kids are whining, the cat’s puked up a hairball on the carpet, there’s a sock in the bathroom sink, a lego brick in the teapot, and...
Rusty Pencil
Dec 10, 20213 min read
I have no idea what I'm doing. Do you?
So. Do you have any idea what you're doing? I certainly don't.
Rusty Pencil
Nov 26, 20213 min read
Why do we send cards from the dog?
There are a million things a dog can’t do. It can’t jump into your car and take the kids to school. It has no idea how to mow the lawn,...
Rusty Pencil
Nov 10, 20214 min read
The origins of dad jokes, and why they'll always be, and should be, crap.
I admit it. I stole the line from someone else. From a chimp, to be precise. The original joke was: ‘Dad, do you know the piano’s on my...
Rusty Pencil
Oct 26, 20215 min read
Funny and rude Christmas cards online - not the usual crap ones.
We Brits don’t do things by halves when it comes to Christmas. When you suffer eleven and a half months of sheer drudgery and the...
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